Sacred art and columbarium
Sacred art and columbariums: The tradition of religious architecture on natural stone is lost in the history of humanity. The uniqueness of the material has always been associated with recollection and spirituality.
The creation of any space, image, altar, etc. It is possible with the use of technology applied to natural stone. Regarding columbariums, this section is affected due to the increase in cremations in Spain and the need of the faithful to be linked to a devotional image over time.
Our designers and architects model the project adapting to the conditions of the place and optimizing the available gaps, however small and inaccessible they may be.
Experts in marble for over 30 years.
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Casabona Marbles
Pol. Ind. ‘La Corona’, Fase III, Nave 2-4 50740 Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza)
Tel: +34 976 161 193 Fax: +34 976 169 006